From Power-oriented to Rule-oriented:Evolution of Sino-US IPR Disputes Settlement Mechanism
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Law School,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China
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Since the 90s of 20th century,there were a great number of sharp bilateral conflicts on the intellectual property protection and the issues surrounding market access between China and US,which had far-reaching consequences for the establishment of the intellectual property system in China and the bilateral relations between China and US.Since then,owing to the development of China-US trade relations and China's accession to the WTO,the United States'policy on intellectual property(“IP”)toward China that“Special 301” dominated has become unsustainable.Through further analysis on the reasons and motivation of the changes in the United States'intellectual propertypolicies towards China,we conclued that it is the rapid development of China-US trade relations and the gradual improvement of the intellectual property system in China which made the dispute settlement mechanism for intellectual property disputes between China and US experience the process of the evolution from“Power-oriented”which domoniated by"Special 301" to "Rule-oriented”which was established by the WTO/TRIPS.
From Power-oriented to Rule-oriented:Evolution of Sino-US IPR Disputes Settlement Mechanism. Jinan Journal. 2011, 33(4): 69-77
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