Figure/Table detail

The relationship between the high signal volume of cerebral white matter and the lateral ventricular rim with insomnia
XIONG Ruifang, ZHU Hanting, LI Chengyi, HU Pengxin, ZOU Yu, TANG Xiaoping
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2024, 45(6): 674-380.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20240131

指标 慢性失眠组(n=55) 短期失眠组(n=66) F P
年龄/岁 57.17±1.57 56.11±1.71 -0.460 0.650
V侧脑室缘WMSA/cm3 2.76±0.29 2.85±0.31 0.197 0.660
V侧脑室旁WMSA/cm3 3.01±0.76 3.34±0.74 0.264 0.610
V深部WMSA/cm3 3.18±0.77 2.70±0.61 0.131 0.720
V近皮层WMSA/cm3 0.67±0.16 0.57±0.12 0.165 0.690
侧脑室缘WMSA占侧脑室缘体积的比例/% 14.66±0.97 14.32±1.08 0.002 0.960
侧脑室旁WMSA占侧脑室旁体积的比例/% 4.32±0.95 4.88±1.02 0.405 0.530
深部WMSA占深部脑白质体积的比例/% 2.21±0.52 1.89±0.44 0.026 0.870
近皮层WMSA占近皮层体积的比例/% 0.27±0.06 0.25±0.06 0.022 0.880
ePVS/个 34.56±2.55 34.27±2.77 0.001 0.980
Table 3 WMSA volume and percentage by region for patients with chronic insomnia and patients with short-term insomnia $\bar{x}±s$
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