Figure/Table detail

Usefulness of TI-scout images in the assessment of late gadolinium enhancement in light chain cardiac amyloidosis
WU Xinyi, WANG Huimin, YANG Yuelong, LIU Hui
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2023, 44(2): 171-178.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20230007

LGE性质 n 增强组 未增强组 P
优于 互补 合计 相等 差于 合计
阴性 27(21) 4(15) 16(59) 20(74) 4(15) 3(11) 7(26) 0.0461)
阳性 102(79) 31(30) 36(35) 67(65) 21(21) 14(14) 35(35) 0.0101)
总数 129(100) 35(27) 52(40) 87(67) 25(20) 17(13) 42(33) 0.0011)
Table 1 Diagnostic performance of TI scout versus PSIR images n(%)
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