Figure/Table detail

Study on drying characteristics and kinetics of Moutan Cortex decoction pieces based on LF-NMR/MRI and TA-HD plus
CHEN Lixia, YE Lifang, ZHANG Ying, WU Menghua, CAO Hui, MA Zhiguo
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2023, 44(2): 203-210.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.2022120004

干燥时间/h 45 ℃ 55 ℃ 65 ℃
0 0.8290 0.8612 0.8674
0.5 0.7765 0.1050 0.7224 0.2776 0.5329 0.6690
1.0 0.7130 0.1270 0.5845 0.2759 0.2868 0.4922
1.5 0.6537 0.1185 0.4526 0.2638 0.1646 0.2444
2.0 0.6046 0.0982 0.3371 0.2310 0.1049 0.1196
2.5 0.5445 0.1202 0.2379 0.1983 0.0867 0.0364
3.0 0.4920 0.1050 0.1629 0.1500 0.0676 0.0381
3.5 0.4403 0.1033 0.1164 0.0931 0.0598 0.0156
4.0 0.3912 0.0982 0.0966 0.0397 - -
4.5 0.3429 0.0965 0.0836 0.0259 - -
5.0 0.2955 0.0948 0.0741 0.0190 - -
5.5 0.2540 0.0830 - - - -
6.0 0.2185 0.0711 - - - -
6.5 0.1753 0.0864 - - - -
7.0 0.1482 0.0542 - - - -
7.5 0.1262 0.0440 - - - -
8.0 0.1118 0.0288 - - - -
8.5 0.1016 0.0203 - - - -
Table 1 Changes of M and drying rate of Moutan Cortex decoction pieces at different drying temperatures
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