Figure/Table detail

The effect of electrostatically spun astragalus polysaccharide composite nanofibre dressings on improving lower limb venous ulcers
LIU Yaxin, LIU Xinjun, JIANG Yunlan, QIU Tingting, ZHANG Chen
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2024, 45(6): 681-688.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20240032

组别 n 干预前 干预4周后 z P
试验组 43 46(32,70) 5(2,11) -5.713 <0.001
对照组 45 60(40,90) 22(10,48) -5.843 <0.001
z -1.917 -5.415
P 0.055 <0.001
Table 5 Comparison of the VLU-QoL scores between the two patient groups before and after the intervention M(P25,P75)/分
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