Figure/Table detail

Usefulness of TI-scout images in the assessment of late gadolinium enhancement in light chain cardiac amyloidosis
WU Xinyi, WANG Huimin, YANG Yuelong, LIU Hui
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2023, 44(2): 171-178.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20230007

Figure 1 TI-scout images and PSIR images are equal in diagnostic performance A: TI-scout images of LGE-negative patient show that the blood pool reaches the null point (becomes black, blue square) before the myocardium (red square). No LGE was seen in PSIR image. B: TI-scout images of LGE-positive patient shows that diffuse myocardium reaches the null point (red square, arrow) earlier than the blood pool (blue square); PSIR image shows Transmural LGE
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