Figure/Table detail

Usefulness of TI-scout images in the assessment of late gadolinium enhancement in light chain cardiac amyloidosis
WU Xinyi, WANG Huimin, YANG Yuelong, LIU Hui
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2023, 44(2): 171-178.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20230007

LGE类型 n 增强组 未增强组 P
优于 互补 合计 相等 差于 合计
心内膜下 46(45) 15(33) 12(26) 27(59) 10(22) 9(19) 19(31) 0.37
透壁型 32(31) 9(28) 14(44) 23(72) 6(19) 3(9) 9(28) 0.05
局灶斑片型 24(24) 7(29) 10(42) 17(71) 5(21) 2(8) 7(29) 0.13
总数 102(100) 31(30) 36(35) 67(65) 21(21) 14(14) 35(35) 0.011)
Table 2 Diagnostic performance of TI-scout versus PSIR images in different LGE types n(%)
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