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Human Krt5 promotes cell filopodia formation and wound healing in zebrafish fibroblasts
CHEN Kaixing, YU Feifei, WU Wenhui, YAN Jizhou
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2023, 44(3): 227-237.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20220366

Figure 2 Krt5 mRNA was synthesized in vitro and expressed in transfected PAC2 cells A: Electrophoretic Results of Intermediate Products of Krt5 mRNA Synthesized in Vitro. Lane 1 is the PCR product of Krt5 gene, lane 2 is the PCR product with added UTR sequence, and lane 3 is the PCR product with poly(T) tail; B: Western blot detection of Krt5 expression in PAC2 cells.
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