Figure/Table detail

Human Krt5 promotes cell filopodia formation and wound healing in zebrafish fibroblasts
CHEN Kaixing, YU Feifei, WU Wenhui, YAN Jizhou
Journal of Jinan University Natural Science & Medicine Edition, 2023, 44(3): 227-237.   DOI: 10.11778/j.jdxb.20220366

基因 Control组 Krt5组 IL-1β组 IL-4组 IL-6组 IL-10组
Myh10 113.75 91.80 99.73 101.15 98.50 92.41
Myh9b 130.47 76.23 105.56 103.09 98.64 97.98
Krt4 195.13 39.60 67.12 59.01 59.59 63.14
Krt8 718.47 410.13 478.76 464.40 466.62 467.56
Col1a2 261.64 65.95 107.73 99.19 102.95 99.64
Ifnphi1 11.96 93.50 23.99 23.85 24.59 21.59
Il11b 21.91 72.08 68.97 65.22 70.81 69.72
Il13ra1 4.72 16.98 9.50 9.65 10.13 10.99
Actn1 102.52 41.15 65.23 62.11 61.76 60.69
Cdc42se1 67.31 113.09 88.81 88.10 89.44 79.98
Rac2 1.92 3.19 2.43 2.66 3.08 3.06
Rac1a 170.22 190.96 184.32 183.09 196.47 186.89
Rhov 1.22 3.161) 1.73 1.16 2.09 1.80
Wasf3b 12.41 16.73 17.04 16.40 15.51 16.35
Nfkbiaa 47.10 255.62 150.52 150.20 147.21 160.70
Nfkbib 35.16 106.27 68.80 72.75 69.02 70.31
Nfkb2 48.40 142.90 89.16 91.40 88.39 88.70
Bmp4 2.59 1.17 1.15 1.00 1.27 0.83
Bmp3 12.29 0.671) 1.21 1.15 0.33 0.90
Nog1 10.75 2.72 6.43 6.47 6.53 5.43
Nog3 44.08 11.44 16.78 17.96 16.90 17.79
Tgfb2 26.68 12.291) 21.36 21.55 20.28 22.10
Tgfbr2a 14.22 12.601) 13.61 15.28 12.72 13.11
Akt1 21.96 12.67 13.72 15.16 14.32 15.04
Map2k1 67.77 19.69 32.26 31.12 32.68 30.13
Mapk3 87.57 89.67 100.43 95.32 96.91 93.54
Araf 40.27 30.88 33.56 34.17 33.42 31.92
Table 2 FPKM values of differentially expressed genes in KEGG enrichment analysis treated by Krt5 and macrophage polarization factor
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